Friday, December 14, 2018

Federal Judge in Texas strickes down Affordable Care Act - Blog Stage Seven

Ariane De Vogue and Tami Luhby describe in their CNN article how federal judge in Texas strikes down Affordable Care Act. District Judge Reed O' Connor declares the individual coverage mandate is "unconstitutional" and "invalid". The mandate requires Americans without health care to get coverage or pay a penalty. Vouge and Luhby continues by stating how The Trump administration will maintain parts of the Affordable Act, however The administration will not defend several important provisions of Obamacare. California and 16 other states have argued in defense of  Obamacare and state that the remove of this act will hurt millions of Americans. They continue by stating how more than 20 million Americans were able to gain healthcare coverage with the act and this will be a devastating loss. Lastly, the article continues by stating how three-quarters of Americans say that it is very important for the law to continue prohibiting health insures from denying health coverage because medical histories, so the next big question is what is next for Americans and healthcare coverage?

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