Friday, December 14, 2018

Blog Stage Five - Hidden War ?

In the Washington Post Liz Sly writes about the hidden war in Syria. In the newest commitment to a Middle East war U.S troops will now stay in Syria. The Trump administration once stated how troops will be withdrawing from Syria once mission completes. However, recently the Trump Administration has stated U.S troops will stay in Syria pending an overall settlement to the Syrian war. The Trump Administration has added the mission of acting as a defensive wall against Iran’s expanding influences on the U.S troops agenda. The article continues by stating the new mission now requires U.S troops to occupy nearly a third of Syria. The estimated increase of troops is an estimated 4,000 soldiers. The increase of U.S troops is stated to be a light foot print; however, the question arises of will the increase of U.S troops aggravate insurgency and conflict? Senior officials have stated the loss of U.S troops will end in devastation for the area. Official hope American presence will bring settlement and end the Syrian war. However recent events in Syria have shown of no sign of a resolution. The article continues by explaining the tension and confusion that has increased within the leadership and military presence within Syria. The article also continues by stating the frustration in rebuilding and reconstruction. The Trump administration has cut $200 million dollars that has been earmarked for essential repairs to the worst damaged areas of Syria. Sly describes how the lack of financial support may increase to insurgency and more devastation for the people of Syria.  

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