Friday, October 19, 2018

Criticism/ Commentary of a Blog

In Benjamin Waddell blog on the HuffPost, he describes how Donald Trump will most likely win a second presidential term. Waddell intended audience for this blog is minorities. Waddell argues that the electoral college is designed to favor white voters in rural and silence minorities votes in urban cities. Waddell uses Bush as an example to explain the problem with electoral college and the similarities between Bush and Trump. Waddell continues to argue his point by using demographics as his evidence.  Waddell explains how at the turn of the 20th century led to the shift to minorities moving to urban areas which led an unfair system. Waddell continues to back his argument by describing how the population in rural account for more votes than voters in urban areas. Waddell uses a graph from 2016 American Community Survey to give the reader visual evidence for his claim that rural populations carry the bulk of electoral votes. Waddell says rural areas lack diversity and representation. Waddell continues to state the best solution for this rift in the system is to rid of the electoral college. Because of the electoral college design, Waddell predicts Trump will win a second term in the 2020 presidential election race. Waddell’s argument is very strong and I agree with his logic.  

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